National Efforts

While at the University of Connecticut, Wilfredo created the consulting group “Guiding Adolescents and Children at Risk Enterprise (GEAR).” GEARs focus was to help youth at risk of entering the judicial system and influence policies that impact young people. Through GEAR Wilfredo has given speeches on issues within mental health that pertain to youth to over 10,000 across the nation. In addition, in June 2007, Wilfredo and California State Representative Grace Napolitano addressed state and national politicians, legislature, and delegates on the need to maintain funding for “America’s Mental Health Programs” in Washington, D.C.  

Furthermore, Wilfredo has collaborated with national organizations on three articles for publication in national journals, one national document on youth empowerment towards legislative reform, was interviewed about his experiences in poverty and foster care for use online by the Inspire USA Foundation, and contributed several pieces on foster care and youth behavioral health strategies as an editor for the Inspire USA Foundation, and was named one of America’s “Outstanding  Leaders” by Foster Club, Inc. in 2009.

Wilfredo has shared his story, worked and consulted for organizations, youth and families across the ages and professions.  Such audiences included youth and families professionals, students, families, social workers, clinicians, administrative staff, Psychologists, health care workers, government officials, health care workers, lawyers, school faculty and doctors ranging from thirty to three thousand people.